Countries and AJAX Pagination

Name Ori Name Iso2 Iso3
nf Norfolk Insel NF NFK
no Norwegen Norway NO NOR
om Oman OM OMN
pk Pakistan PK PAK
ps Palästinische Gebiete PS PSE
pw Palau PW PLW
pa Panama PA PAN
pg Papua-Neuguinea PG PNG
py Paraguay PY PRY
pe Peru PE PER
ph Philippinen PH PHL
pn Pitcairn PN PCN
pl Polen Poland PL POL
pt Portugal Portugal PT PRT
pr Puerto Rico PR PRI
dj Republik Dschibuti DJ DJI
re RĂ©union RE REU
rw Ruanda RW RWA
ro Rumaenien Romania RO ROM
ru Russland Russian Federation RU RUS

Page 9 of 12, showing 20 record(s) out of 240 total

Key Goals for the AJAX Pagination

  • Ajaxify all links in the "pagination-container" including pagination and sort links
  • As easy as possible
  • Fallback without AJAX (and JS) should be fully working
The fading is not necessary and only shows more clearly the beginning and end of the AJAX request. Note: Instead of the plugin one could also just use on() event and bind the pagination links to a click event.

How does it work

You only need
  • A "pagination-container" div and a separate ctp file of the "common" content for both AJAX and normal view
  • A few lines of custom (jQuery) JS on top
  • URL needs to be rewritten/updated to be in sync with current page - for a clean user experience

Send your feedback or bugreport!